Is it sad that I can't remember how the heck to take that ticker down? My little man is already a month and a half and every time I see that ticker I look at my stomach and think, "Holy crap! I can't imagine being that pregnant!!"
Anyway, I started getting this crazy idea that I want to start a garden. I guess it all started when I was reading the latest entry on 'Enjoying the Small Things'. I swear ever since I started reading that blog, all I want to do now is bake, start a garden, and enjoy all the small things in my life.
Right now little Joel has been spending more and more time on his tummy. I really can't wait for him to start lifting that head of his on his own. Don't get me wrong I enjoy supporting him, and even lending a hand every now and then, but my jaw is really starting to hurt! Every he starts to get tired from holding it up by himself, that little noggin comes crashing down into the side of my face. And does he give up after the first time? No. He keeps going and going till mommy's jaw not only hurts from being hit, but her cheeks hurt from laughing so hard cause her "drunken" baby is a fighter!! Tummy time is going so great right now. It cracks Joel and I up every time, cause instead of lifting his head he likes to put his little butt and legs up in the air.
Far to cute.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Little Joel's hospital stay
I know I haven't updated in weeks up little Joel ended up in the hospital. He was diagnosed with plyoric stenosis. Which is where the muscle leading from the stomach to the small intestines closes shut from being over worked. So for about 10 days he hadn't been eating, just vomiting everything up that he ate. It was awful seeing him go through that. But here is the story of what happened, this was written on the 13th, the day of his surgery.
"I know I haven't been on in a while but little Joel needed me. He ended up having surgery and here is his story. On Thursday, Sept 30th he started spitting up his food. At first I wasn't concerned. I just figured I over fed him. Well on Friday he kept spitting up, so my husband and I cut back his feedings to strictly 2oz and see how he did on that. That whole weekend Joel kept spitting up. On Monday I called and made an appointment with his Peditrician And on Tuesday I took him in and was told to give him some pedialyte and if he kept spitting up bring him back in. He was doing fine for about a day and on Wednesday night the spitting had turned into vomiting after every 3-4 feedings. He was throwing up so much it literally filled my hand, covered his entire onesie, and turned what ever I was sitting on into a "lovely" shade of white. By then I was getting scared. I stopped sleeping, I stopped eating. My mom had called my godmother, who's a RN, who told me to put him on soy formula. That it sounded like he had a really bad milk allergy. After two days on that the vomiting was getting worse. Joel was running out of clothes, I was running out, my husband ended up wearing vomit covered pants to work cause he was running out. I felt Like I was doing laundry every couple of hours. So on Saturday I threw in the towel. At first he was doing good and holding down his feedings then out of no where I'm burping him and projectile Vomit comes shooting out of my little guy. That was the last straw. I grabbed him, strapped him in his car seat and hauled ass, but still obeying the law, to the ER (where I live). Once at the ER they rushed him in and checked him from head to toe. They drew blood, took a urine sample, poor little guy was poked and jabbed all night with something. Boy did we have fun, You know we were so lucky. We got to share out room with some dude that was so doped out that he thought it would be more fun to refuse a urine/blood test and fight with the cop and yell at the nurses. All the fun ended with him being escorted by the cops with a lovely pair of silver bracelets. Oh and on top of that there was a girl there waiting over an hour on a pending pregnancy test. Man, I love our hospital. (And yes its an actual hospital, not a clinic or anything) So after waiting a few hours Joel gets sent hime with a clean bill of health. The next day, Monday, Oct. 11, I went to his pediatrian for even more vomiting! He couldn't even hold in half an oz. When I got there I told the docor everything. Well he sent him for xrays and the xray tech sent me back to the doctor. Apparently his stomach muscle that leads to his Intestines is completely shut . We had to rush down to a children's specialist hospital, cause the only way I'd take Him to our home town hospital was if Hell froze over!! So here I sit hours after the surgery enjoying the sweetest sounds ever. The sucking on a bottle, the Ginormous burp, and the sweet, sweet sound of silence coming from a satisfied belly. I'm even Enjoyng the smell coming from a fresh poopy diaper. And now I bid you all a good night for I have to go change a diaper full of gold!"
So it's been over a week, but this is my little guy now:

He's such a happy camper!!!
"I know I haven't been on in a while but little Joel needed me. He ended up having surgery and here is his story. On Thursday, Sept 30th he started spitting up his food. At first I wasn't concerned. I just figured I over fed him. Well on Friday he kept spitting up, so my husband and I cut back his feedings to strictly 2oz and see how he did on that. That whole weekend Joel kept spitting up. On Monday I called and made an appointment with his Peditrician And on Tuesday I took him in and was told to give him some pedialyte and if he kept spitting up bring him back in. He was doing fine for about a day and on Wednesday night the spitting had turned into vomiting after every 3-4 feedings. He was throwing up so much it literally filled my hand, covered his entire onesie, and turned what ever I was sitting on into a "lovely" shade of white. By then I was getting scared. I stopped sleeping, I stopped eating. My mom had called my godmother, who's a RN, who told me to put him on soy formula. That it sounded like he had a really bad milk allergy. After two days on that the vomiting was getting worse. Joel was running out of clothes, I was running out, my husband ended up wearing vomit covered pants to work cause he was running out. I felt Like I was doing laundry every couple of hours. So on Saturday I threw in the towel. At first he was doing good and holding down his feedings then out of no where I'm burping him and projectile Vomit comes shooting out of my little guy. That was the last straw. I grabbed him, strapped him in his car seat and hauled ass, but still obeying the law, to the ER (where I live). Once at the ER they rushed him in and checked him from head to toe. They drew blood, took a urine sample, poor little guy was poked and jabbed all night with something. Boy did we have fun, You know we were so lucky. We got to share out room with some dude that was so doped out that he thought it would be more fun to refuse a urine/blood test and fight with the cop and yell at the nurses. All the fun ended with him being escorted by the cops with a lovely pair of silver bracelets. Oh and on top of that there was a girl there waiting over an hour on a pending pregnancy test. Man, I love our hospital. (And yes its an actual hospital, not a clinic or anything) So after waiting a few hours Joel gets sent hime with a clean bill of health. The next day, Monday, Oct. 11, I went to his pediatrian for even more vomiting! He couldn't even hold in half an oz. When I got there I told the docor everything. Well he sent him for xrays and the xray tech sent me back to the doctor. Apparently his stomach muscle that leads to his Intestines is completely shut . We had to rush down to a children's specialist hospital, cause the only way I'd take Him to our home town hospital was if Hell froze over!! So here I sit hours after the surgery enjoying the sweetest sounds ever. The sucking on a bottle, the Ginormous burp, and the sweet, sweet sound of silence coming from a satisfied belly. I'm even Enjoyng the smell coming from a fresh poopy diaper. And now I bid you all a good night for I have to go change a diaper full of gold!"
So it's been over a week, but this is my little guy now:

He's such a happy camper!!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Those little faces
Little Joel will be a month this coming Saturday. I swear this time if flying so quickly. I wish I can go back to September 9th to enjoy that first day with him in my arms. To look him all over again and hear everyone "ooh" and "ahh". Cause baby those first couple of minutes has to be my all time favorite moment in my life, and yes you may be getting older but that favorite moment keeps getting longer. Since that first day I have never enjoyed life so much. I long to wake up just to feed you or change you, for every little moment I get to hold you I feel that much closer to you. I love leaning over your crib just to watch you sleep. Seeing your tiny belly move up and down as you take every breath. And those eyes, oh baby I'm in love with those eyes.
I know I'm probably still fuzzy to you, but you know who I am. Every time I walk into the room you turn to face me, like you know that its me. And from what Joel has told me, you even follow me as I walk out. It makes my heart melt knowing that your looking for me, longing for me.
I know I should be doing a better job at updating and posting pictures that match his age but here are some from when he was only 4 days old and took his first spin in this swing. And lets just say, Monkey Man loves his swing. Plus you get a bonus, Monkey's facial expressions as he sleeps. You know when I look at these I just want to bite those chubby cheeks and kiss those little toes.

I know I should be doing a better job at updating and posting pictures that match his age but here are some from when he was only 4 days old and took his first spin in this swing. And lets just say, Monkey Man loves his swing. Plus you get a bonus, Monkey's facial expressions as he sleeps. You know when I look at these I just want to bite those chubby cheeks and kiss those little toes.

Monday, September 20, 2010
Welcome to the world baby!
I know yet again its been awhile since I've last updated but a lot has actually happened. Something big has actually happened. As you all know Joel and I decided not to find out what we were going to have well, on September 9th we finally found out. Our little bundle of joy was born and this is Peanut's story into this great big world.
I had my last OB appointment on the 7th and Dr. Hall told Joel and I that we were looking at a baby that was gonna be over 8 pounds. So we began discussing options. He told us we can either go with me being induced or we can wait 3 days and have some sort of test done. We decided on the latter but then Dr. Hall remembered he was going out of town on Thursday and he really wanted to be there to deliver the baby, also he was worried that if we waited for him to get back our little Peanut could end up to be a whooping 9 pounds! So in the end we all agreed that going with being induced would be the best option. Dr. Hall called the hospital and we were scheduled for 6 in the morning on Peanut's estimated due date, the 8th of September.
Joel and I head home and get everything ready for our little ones arrival. Hospital bag got doubled checked, car seat put into the back seat, then I checked the hospital bag one more time. I was far to excited to sleep, I laid there in bed next to Joel constantly looking at the clock. Getting mad that every time I looked at it clock it was only 5 minutes since the last time I check it. I never knew time could go by so slow.
Finally 5am came and I jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready, woke up Joel and ran around getting things together, once again, then off we went. We got to the hospital only to find out there was no room for me and I had to come back at noon. So, off to home we go to wait yet another 6 hours. Noon comes and we head back, same thing, still no room. It wasn't till 4 in the after noon that I got a room.
Once in the room the nurses came in took my blood pressure, found the baby's heartbeat, and asked me a bunch of questions. An hour later the finally came in and gave me a pill to start up my contractions. Four hours later they came back and gave me another one. In 8 hours I had only contracted 2c
m. It wasn't till 1:30am on the 9th that they gave me the magic potion that got things rolling, and boy did they roll. Joel was on the phone calling mom to come over that my contractions were getting stronger. Things really started moving along now. My back was hurting so bad I couldn't handle it, I needed pain meds. I had been in a car accident the year before and laying on my back for a long period of time really kills me. So the nurses brought me some really good stuff, and I mean good! I literally felt like I was melting right there into my bed. Every time I closed my eyes and opened them the room looked like it was made out of pixels, and you want to know the best part of it. I hadn't slept for two days and with the meds they knocked me out and I got some much needed sleep for what was ahead.
It wasn't till 7:30 that the meds wore off and the contractions got stronger. I was laying there trying so hard not to push. All you heard in the room was my mom saying "don't push" and me yelling back, "I'm not pushing!" After awhile I started to feel like I was slipping away. I looked up at Joel and grabbed his hand. He smiled down at me and I looked him deep in the eyes and whispered, "I want to give up, I can't breathe any more." I felt my self slipping in and out of the room. My breath had shortened so much that they had to put an oxygen mask on me. I think if it wasn't for that my little one and me probably wouldn't be here. Its sad to admit but I was actually on the verge of calling it quits, my breathing was so shallow, I was out of my mind half the time, at that very moment I felt like honestly dying. But I fought it, I wanted to hold my little in my arms and cuddle him or her close.
Around 9am Dr. Hall came into the room and asked how I was doing, my mom told him that I wanted to push and he said, "well then lets get this baby out." So there I was ready to go. After pushing and cussing my doctor out (He told me that if I was in a Catholic hospital they would have me pack up and leave.) I hear the most wonderful noise in the world.
Next thing I know I have a small little body placed on my stomach holding the clamps the doctor used to clip Peanut's umbilical cord. Dr. Hall proudly announces, "It's a boy!"
I have a little boy, a handsome little boy! After 9 months of waiting I finally know what was moving around in my stomach. And Joel and I couldn't be any more proud.
So let me introduce to you, Joel Ryan Gandarilla Jr. And let me just say this handsome little guy is such a character. He keeps daddy and me laughin
g for hours on end. We love every facial expression of his, every movement, every cry, every breath. He is our world, and let me tell you guys something, I still can't believe that I, me, yes me, gave life to this amazing little guy.
For years I always said I never wanted children, but once I met Joel Sr. he changed my life and I'm glad he did. I'm so happy that I can share this wonderful experience with him. I would want it no other way.
So, our little man is now a week and 4 days old. I swear time is going by way to fast. I now understand what my mom means by you wish they cou
ld stay this little forever.
I had my last OB appointment on the 7th and Dr. Hall told Joel and I that we were looking at a baby that was gonna be over 8 pounds. So we began discussing options. He told us we can either go with me being induced or we can wait 3 days and have some sort of test done. We decided on the latter but then Dr. Hall remembered he was going out of town on Thursday and he really wanted to be there to deliver the baby, also he was worried that if we waited for him to get back our little Peanut could end up to be a whooping 9 pounds! So in the end we all agreed that going with being induced would be the best option. Dr. Hall called the hospital and we were scheduled for 6 in the morning on Peanut's estimated due date, the 8th of September.
Joel and I head home and get everything ready for our little ones arrival. Hospital bag got doubled checked, car seat put into the back seat, then I checked the hospital bag one more time. I was far to excited to sleep, I laid there in bed next to Joel constantly looking at the clock. Getting mad that every time I looked at it clock it was only 5 minutes since the last time I check it. I never knew time could go by so slow.
Finally 5am came and I jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready, woke up Joel and ran around getting things together, once again, then off we went. We got to the hospital only to find out there was no room for me and I had to come back at noon. So, off to home we go to wait yet another 6 hours. Noon comes and we head back, same thing, still no room. It wasn't till 4 in the after noon that I got a room.
Once in the room the nurses came in took my blood pressure, found the baby's heartbeat, and asked me a bunch of questions. An hour later the finally came in and gave me a pill to start up my contractions. Four hours later they came back and gave me another one. In 8 hours I had only contracted 2c

It wasn't till 7:30 that the meds wore off and the contractions got stronger. I was laying there trying so hard not to push. All you heard in the room was my mom saying "don't push" and me yelling back, "I'm not pushing!" After awhile I started to feel like I was slipping away. I looked up at Joel and grabbed his hand. He smiled down at me and I looked him deep in the eyes and whispered, "I want to give up, I can't breathe any more." I felt my self slipping in and out of the room. My breath had shortened so much that they had to put an oxygen mask on me. I think if it wasn't for that my little one and me probably wouldn't be here. Its sad to admit but I was actually on the verge of calling it quits, my breathing was so shallow, I was out of my mind half the time, at that very moment I felt like honestly dying. But I fought it, I wanted to hold my little in my arms and cuddle him or her close.
Around 9am Dr. Hall came into the room and asked how I was doing, my mom told him that I wanted to push and he said, "well then lets get this baby out." So there I was ready to go. After pushing and cussing my doctor out (He told me that if I was in a Catholic hospital they would have me pack up and leave.) I hear the most wonderful noise in the world.
Next thing I know I have a small little body placed on my stomach holding the clamps the doctor used to clip Peanut's umbilical cord. Dr. Hall proudly announces, "It's a boy!"
I have a little boy, a handsome little boy! After 9 months of waiting I finally know what was moving around in my stomach. And Joel and I couldn't be any more proud.
So let me introduce to you, Joel Ryan Gandarilla Jr. And let me just say this handsome little guy is such a character. He keeps daddy and me laughin

For years I always said I never wanted children, but once I met Joel Sr. he changed my life and I'm glad he did. I'm so happy that I can share this wonderful experience with him. I would want it no other way.
So, our little man is now a week and 4 days old. I swear time is going by way to fast. I now understand what my mom means by you wish they cou

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Its been awhile
I know, I know its been awhile since I've made a post. But I've been really busy, and to top it off I'm FULL TERM!! That means Peanut can come any time now.
Since my last post I've actually gotten Peanut's side of the room all put up. I even did a few DIY projects which I will post up next time, with pictures. I promise.
But here is a picture to pass the time..
This was taken in March at my Mom's "bachelorette" party, when I was just starting to show.
I'm the one in the green dress, my mom is the second from the right and that's my grandma in the maroon sweater. We went to Paso Robles, wine country, to celebrate my mom's last couple days of being....well, she only renewed her vows with my dad so I guess nothing really changed. It was just an excuse to go out and have fun with the girls. Did I mention there was a limo?
And I'll end it off with a few pictures of my parent's renewal. Don't know why I'm posting pictures from past months but I thought you all would enjoy them. Their renewal was on April 10th so that shows you how "old" these are.
Here is one of my future sister-in-law and me standing up my mom. Look it's a baby bump poking out of my dress!
Here is one of my brother and me as we are leaving the church.
And lastly....My mom and dad:
My dad was so adorable. He brought tears to everyone's eyes. Its so funny how he didn't want to renew their vows but he is the one that broke down the most. It was great.
Well as of right now that's all I can think of posting about. Tomorrow I'll do a post on being 38 weeks. Then soon I'll post one about my DIY project.
Since my last post I've actually gotten Peanut's side of the room all put up. I even did a few DIY projects which I will post up next time, with pictures. I promise.
But here is a picture to pass the time..
This was taken in March at my Mom's "bachelorette" party, when I was just starting to show.

And I'll end it off with a few pictures of my parent's renewal. Don't know why I'm posting pictures from past months but I thought you all would enjoy them. Their renewal was on April 10th so that shows you how "old" these are.

And lastly....My mom and dad:

Well as of right now that's all I can think of posting about. Tomorrow I'll do a post on being 38 weeks. Then soon I'll post one about my DIY project.
Monday, August 2, 2010
What a week
So, all last week I basically spent asleep. My body pretty much crashed on me. For the past two months I was lucky if I got 3-4 hours of sleep, but the norm for me became 2 hours. I guess it finally caught up with me cause I spent 4 days last week asleep and never really woke up. Except for when Joel would wake me to make sure I ate before he went to work, and once I was done I crashed back out again.
A plus side to all that sleeping, on Sunday I woke up in a major nesting mood. I've washed all of Peanut's clothes, except for his/her bibs and thick blankets. And this week I'm going to work on lining the inside of my old dresser with either gift wrap or wall paper, depending on what I find that is cute. And maybe I'll even paint the outside of it, so it looks all pretty and new!
Also, I missed out on my 34 week post.
Yeah, that's my bare belly, and I don't care about showing it off. In fact I'm proud. Who cares if I'm big girl, that's my baby in there. If you don't like seeing it, then don't look!
Nothing exciting has happened this week. Except Monday I ended up back at the hospital only to be told I was having false labor pains. And if you were wondering, yes, I was embarrassed by that.
Now on to the good stuff!
I seriously can't wait for Peanut to be born to hear the stories Joel is going to tell her/him. Last night I was having trouble falling asleep and asked him to tell me a story. This is the story he made up and told me:
A plus side to all that sleeping, on Sunday I woke up in a major nesting mood. I've washed all of Peanut's clothes, except for his/her bibs and thick blankets. And this week I'm going to work on lining the inside of my old dresser with either gift wrap or wall paper, depending on what I find that is cute. And maybe I'll even paint the outside of it, so it looks all pretty and new!
Also, I missed out on my 34 week post.
Yeah, that's my bare belly, and I don't care about showing it off. In fact I'm proud. Who cares if I'm big girl, that's my baby in there. If you don't like seeing it, then don't look!
Nothing exciting has happened this week. Except Monday I ended up back at the hospital only to be told I was having false labor pains. And if you were wondering, yes, I was embarrassed by that.
Now on to the good stuff!
I seriously can't wait for Peanut to be born to hear the stories Joel is going to tell her/him. Last night I was having trouble falling asleep and asked him to tell me a story. This is the story he made up and told me:
There once was a little boy who fell madly in love
with a little girl. One day the little boy and little girl
climbed up a really big hill. When they reached the top
of the hill they had planted a tree. Over time the
tree had grown into a giant peanut tree,
over flowing with peanuts. One day a huge swarm of bird
flew in and ate destroyed the peanut tree,
eating all the peanuts in sight. The little boy
and little girl were very sad because they put in a lot of
work taking care of this tree. As they sat there and
cried the little boy noticed that right next to
the stump of the old tree was a small little sprout growing
out of the ground with the tiniest peanut of all
on it. The little boy and little girl jumped up
and danced with joy for the birds didn't get them
all. And from that day they loved that
peanut with all the love in the world.
The End.
Yeah, I love that wonderful hubby of mine.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
33 Weeks
Today I am 33 weeks pregnant, which means only 7 more weeks to go! Its really starting to get rough on me. I'm so uncomfortable, I no longer want to eat, and I have no clue what sleep is any more. Not to mention, my ribs feel like little one has a camp fire going on in there or something. They hurt so much that they are burning!
The best part is my mom gets on to me cause I can no longer keep my legs closed, and I don't mean like that. My belly has gotten so big I need to open my legs just to sit comfortable. Other then that there is really nothing new going on, except the belly is getting bigger and the kicks and punches are being replaced by rolls and stretches.
Baby is the size of a honeydew!
Things are heating up, baby may grow up to a full inch this week alone,
and his/her brain is developing like crazy. Pretty soon, he will be
able to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.
Also, his bones are hardening, and he's starting to keep
his eyes open when he's awake.
If you really knew me...
Last night I had watched MTV's new show "If You Really Knew Me". It was really moving to see kids in high school willing to open up to each other and share who they truly are deep inside. Well, it got me thinking and I wanted to write a blog post related to this. So here it goes.
If you really knew me, you'd know that...
... ever since I was little I felt like I was an out cast. Not only at school, but within my own family as well. And as I've grown older I feel like I'm drifting farther and father apart from everyone. I'm always left out on family trips to the coast, outtings with the cousins, and even simple family dinners. I know a lot of it has to do with me being pregnant and I can't drink, but who says you need to drink to have a good time? Oh, family. And since I don't consume alcohol, pregnant or not, I feel as if I'll never be excepted by them.
If you really knew me, you'd know that...
... ever since my brother's fiance started coming around more and more I feel as if I'm no longer a daughter to my parents. When my parents were planning their 25th Anniversary Renewal, never once did my mom ask me for advice on anything. She always went to her. But what killed me the most was my own father didn't even ask me to dance, he danced with her a couple of times, even to father-daughter songs but never once asked me... He'll even give her hugs and always asks her how she is doing but completely ignores me when I walk through the door. I just wish I knew what it was like to have a father...
If you really knew me, you'd know that...
... after I had my accident last April, I secretly wished that my car did go off the bridge instead of slamming back into the center rail. At that time in my life nothing was going right. Everything was just piling up on top of each other and I just couldn't handle it any more.
If you really knew me, you'd know that...
... if it wasn't for Joel, I would probably be six feet under by now. I owe my life to that man. Not only is he my husband, and not only is he the father of my child, but he has become my best friend, my everything. I'm so grateful that I met him all those years ago. I love him with all my heart, and I don't think he truly knows that. But he will.
If you really knew me, you'd know that...
... ever since I was little I felt like I was an out cast. Not only at school, but within my own family as well. And as I've grown older I feel like I'm drifting farther and father apart from everyone. I'm always left out on family trips to the coast, outtings with the cousins, and even simple family dinners. I know a lot of it has to do with me being pregnant and I can't drink, but who says you need to drink to have a good time? Oh, family. And since I don't consume alcohol, pregnant or not, I feel as if I'll never be excepted by them.
If you really knew me, you'd know that...
... ever since my brother's fiance started coming around more and more I feel as if I'm no longer a daughter to my parents. When my parents were planning their 25th Anniversary Renewal, never once did my mom ask me for advice on anything. She always went to her. But what killed me the most was my own father didn't even ask me to dance, he danced with her a couple of times, even to father-daughter songs but never once asked me... He'll even give her hugs and always asks her how she is doing but completely ignores me when I walk through the door. I just wish I knew what it was like to have a father...
If you really knew me, you'd know that...
... after I had my accident last April, I secretly wished that my car did go off the bridge instead of slamming back into the center rail. At that time in my life nothing was going right. Everything was just piling up on top of each other and I just couldn't handle it any more.
If you really knew me, you'd know that...
... if it wasn't for Joel, I would probably be six feet under by now. I owe my life to that man. Not only is he my husband, and not only is he the father of my child, but he has become my best friend, my everything. I'm so grateful that I met him all those years ago. I love him with all my heart, and I don't think he truly knows that. But he will.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I have a confession...
Since joining the bump all those months back, I've come to learn of a little blog online called: "Enjoying the Small Things". It's about a family with two little girls and of their every day adventures. If you've never read it before I say give it a shot, its really touching and such a great read.
Anyway, after reading this blog for a few months I've come to realize that deep down inside I really want a little girl. The writer has posts about baking cookies with her daughters, and having mommy and daughter days. I miss those days with my mom. Yeah we still have those days of baking cookies, but now instead of a homemade recipe its a container of frozen dough and two spoons. The laughs are still there but the moment just doesn't seem to last as long.
I would love to have those moments with a daughter. To hear her laugh at the flour I have smeared across my face and have her run away as I reach over to smear some on hers. I want to be able to lay in bed all day watching Disney movies about Princesses who find true love, to paint toe nails and finger nails with little toothpick flowers. To play dress up and have tea party's. To gang up on daddy while he is relaxing on the couch and start a tickle fight. Oh, the moments I miss sharing with my mom that I would love to share with a daughter....
I do confess, I want a little girl more then anything right now. I would love to have a boy but to be able to share these moments, the same moments I shared with my mom, would be magical.
Anyway, after reading this blog for a few months I've come to realize that deep down inside I really want a little girl. The writer has posts about baking cookies with her daughters, and having mommy and daughter days. I miss those days with my mom. Yeah we still have those days of baking cookies, but now instead of a homemade recipe its a container of frozen dough and two spoons. The laughs are still there but the moment just doesn't seem to last as long.
I would love to have those moments with a daughter. To hear her laugh at the flour I have smeared across my face and have her run away as I reach over to smear some on hers. I want to be able to lay in bed all day watching Disney movies about Princesses who find true love, to paint toe nails and finger nails with little toothpick flowers. To play dress up and have tea party's. To gang up on daddy while he is relaxing on the couch and start a tickle fight. Oh, the moments I miss sharing with my mom that I would love to share with a daughter....
I do confess, I want a little girl more then anything right now. I would love to have a boy but to be able to share these moments, the same moments I shared with my mom, would be magical.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
8 Months
Happy 8 months to baby Peanut. In a little less then 2 months I'll be able to hold that little bundle of joy in my arms. Also I've noticed every picture I take is always right after I get ready to go to work. Got to love the wet hair look. I also realized that shirt doesn't do me justice.
So we've had a pretty busy weekend. On Saturday was the baby shower. It was really exciting seeing all the family ooh and ahh over my every growing belly. To hear every one's predictions on what it's going to be. If I remember correctly the girls are still in the lead. Here I was so nervous about the baby shower and it turned out great. Only thing I wish my "best friends" would have been there to celebrate with me. My guess is that a twelve pack sounded a lot better to them.
There were tons of games. It was funny watching all my aunts and cousins yelling and fighting about answers. What made the day was when everyone started calling my Aunt Coke a cheater because she is a grade school teacher and knew all the answers to the games.
After the games it was time to open presents, which was the part I was dreading most. I hate when I'm center of attention. After the pile of gift wrap and tissue paper and basically covered the floor around me, Peanut now has a good start on a clothing collection and little toys and bottles.
Just wanted to say thank you to all my family members who made it out to celebrate baby Peanut with us. Thanks so much for all the cute clothing, bottles, diapers, toys, and other neat little odds and ins!
With the excitement of Saturday gone, it was time to get down to business. Joel, his mom, and older brother spent Sunday moving things in and out of bedrooms, vacuuming, and dusting. I tried to help but kept getting shooed out by everyone because of my belly getting in the way. Also, I was getting tired of the boys making fun of me because with every 5 minutes of work I did I needed 20 minutes to recuperate.
Finally after 2 long days of cleaning and moving Peanut and me are offically moved in. Now the only thing left to do is lay down and relax with a puppy snuggled in are arms.
Friday, July 9, 2010
So Nervous
I'm so nervous about the baby shower tomorrow. I really don't know why. Maybe its because I fear that by the end of the night I'm going to end up with 100s of bottles and 100s of oneies of the same size. Or it could be that I fear no one will show up, even though people are calling saying they will. Or maybe its the fact that I'm afraid that all the hard work we put into diy-ing the decorations only to get to the venue and have them fall apart.
Oh, I think I just made the knot in my stomach a little tighter with that last one. So that must be it. I'm nervous about the decorations. My dad spent all week gluing foam fish onto foam cubes only because the weekend before I only stuck them on with the sticky side then Monday morning fish were laying all over the living room floor. It looked like a under the water massacre had taken place in our living room.
So, cross your fingers theses things survive the drive in the back of my wagon. Cause I know if mom takes them there is no way they will even make it to the location. She wants to put them in the bed of her pick-up. I can only imagine following behind her swerving back and forth trying to dodge flying foam boxes.
Oh, I think I just made the knot in my stomach a little tighter with that last one. So that must be it. I'm nervous about the decorations. My dad spent all week gluing foam fish onto foam cubes only because the weekend before I only stuck them on with the sticky side then Monday morning fish were laying all over the living room floor. It looked like a under the water massacre had taken place in our living room.
So, cross your fingers theses things survive the drive in the back of my wagon. Cause I know if mom takes them there is no way they will even make it to the location. She wants to put them in the bed of her pick-up. I can only imagine following behind her swerving back and forth trying to dodge flying foam boxes.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
31 weeks and a day
Its been awhile since I've posted and a lot has happened. On June 22nd we celebrated my mom's 50th birthday! Then the Saturday following that we threw a surprise luau party for her. Let me tell you my mom is the hardest person to throw a surprise party for. She never wants to leave the house on the weekend, we bascially told our grandma to drag her out of the house. But it all turned out great and she had so much fun. Hopefully I can upload some pictures of that soon.
Also we started our 2 week appointments. Little Peanut is doing fine, and apparently he/she is a "long baby". Now if you ever run into Joel ask him what the baby is, he'll make you laugh cause he mimics the doctor grabbing my stomach.
4th of July we didn't really do much but work on the centerpieces for my upcoming baby shower this Saturday. Mom also made homemade ice cream. In our family 4th of July isn't a celebration unless we have homemade ice cream.
Well, I think that's all that's happened so far. At least what I can remember...
I thought I would start doing a survey for each week that passes, probably should have started in the begining but its better late then never.
Also we started our 2 week appointments. Little Peanut is doing fine, and apparently he/she is a "long baby". Now if you ever run into Joel ask him what the baby is, he'll make you laugh cause he mimics the doctor grabbing my stomach.
4th of July we didn't really do much but work on the centerpieces for my upcoming baby shower this Saturday. Mom also made homemade ice cream. In our family 4th of July isn't a celebration unless we have homemade ice cream.
Well, I think that's all that's happened so far. At least what I can remember...
I thought I would start doing a survey for each week that passes, probably should have started in the begining but its better late then never.
How Far Along: 31 weeks, 1 day
Current Weight: 208lbs (from last appointment on the 29th)
Total Weight Gain: +3 at last appointment, total of 11lbs
How big is Baby: About 17" and 4lbs
Maternity Clothes: Been wearing dresses since I started to show.
Movement: Constant.
Stretch Marks: No new ones.
Sleep: Sleeping okay, having a hard time getting comfortable
Symptoms: Constantly running to the bathroom, I think I'm starting to get a taste of morning
sickness, pain in my stomach from Peanut stretching.
Food Adversions: Meat, haha
Food Cravings: Nothing lately, other then something cold cause its so hot!
Labor Signs: None, but I think Braxton Hicks are starting.
Belly Button - In or Out: In, I can still stick my finger in there but its starting to flatten out.
What I miss: Wearing high heels and fixing my hair up. Since being pregnant my hair doesn't hold styles very well.
What I'm looking forward to: Paying the crib off.
Best Moment this Week: Baby shower on Satuday.
Milestone: Feeling braxton hicks for the first time.
Friday, June 25, 2010
What's become of my life?
Well, I think its finally happened, I've finally cracked. Here its one o'clock in the morning and I can't stop myself from crying. I keep thinking about what's awaiting for my after August. I will finally be able to hold this little human being that has been growing in me for the past 7 months in my arms. To rock it, feed it, play with it, and teach it that AC/DC is the best band ever. But how is that all going to happen? I won't have money to buy it food, there isn't a place for me to really call home, I have no friends to hold my child and look at me and tell me what I wonderfully beautiful child you are.
The screen is becoming blurry as I type this all out but I can't hold it back any longer. I tried to be strong, tried to look at the bright side of things but the out come is always going to be the same. My child is going to be born to a struggling family, hardly able to live from one pay check to the next. I know my husband will never let me down, he always holds me close and tells me things will be alright. He's always there to wipe my tears away. But when he's at work, like right now, those tears silently fall.
Those stupid tears that show the fact that my armor has fallen and I too am only human, that I too now know what it's like to have to look for hand outs. That I too will know that I will no longer be able to afford my $6 dollar bottle of Aussie and have to look for something cheaper, far cheaper. I know those are the sacrafices a parent makes, but I would rather make those sacrafices knowing at least there was two pay checks coming in, that there was always that little extra money to buy you your wipes and formula, I don't care about "fancy" hair products. I just want to know for sure my little baby will always have food, always have clothes, and what ever else you need. But I fear deeply that isn't going to happen now.
I'm sorry Peanut, it looks like my vision of what I hoped would be here waiting for you when you are born is no more. As of now, your the main reason I'm looking forward to the end of August. Out of all this bad that is happening at least I know there is still one good thing to look forward to. So when you are ready baby come on out.
And to you I write this...
Mama needs a smile, mama needs someone to hold on to, to cry too, to tell all her worries too. Yes, daddy is there for me, but right now I think I need you most. Your that little shining star of hope that I can't wait to wrap my arms around. I need you here. I know nothing will change, we will still have our nightly talks like we have been since January, but there is one thing special that will happen. I'll be able to look into your wonderful eyes and know that you will always be there for me. You'll always love me no matter what happens.
Baby from this day forward I vow to you that I will be the best mother I can for you. I won't have the money to go out and buy you the world, but always know that I have two arms to wrap you up with more love then you could imagine. Two ears that will always be open to listen, no matter how late or early it is. Two eyes to see how your feeling with out you having to say a word. A strong shoulder for you to cry on. A mouth to tell you exactly what you want to and need to hear. And an open spot in my heart that ever since I found out I was pregnant has slowly been filling with love, and joy for you. Your my baby, my love, my life. I love you now, and I always will. Daddy loves you too. And with both of you I know I can get through this tough time.
And I know Peanut that when I need you most you will come.
I love you little one, with all my heart.
The screen is becoming blurry as I type this all out but I can't hold it back any longer. I tried to be strong, tried to look at the bright side of things but the out come is always going to be the same. My child is going to be born to a struggling family, hardly able to live from one pay check to the next. I know my husband will never let me down, he always holds me close and tells me things will be alright. He's always there to wipe my tears away. But when he's at work, like right now, those tears silently fall.
Those stupid tears that show the fact that my armor has fallen and I too am only human, that I too now know what it's like to have to look for hand outs. That I too will know that I will no longer be able to afford my $6 dollar bottle of Aussie and have to look for something cheaper, far cheaper. I know those are the sacrafices a parent makes, but I would rather make those sacrafices knowing at least there was two pay checks coming in, that there was always that little extra money to buy you your wipes and formula, I don't care about "fancy" hair products. I just want to know for sure my little baby will always have food, always have clothes, and what ever else you need. But I fear deeply that isn't going to happen now.
I'm sorry Peanut, it looks like my vision of what I hoped would be here waiting for you when you are born is no more. As of now, your the main reason I'm looking forward to the end of August. Out of all this bad that is happening at least I know there is still one good thing to look forward to. So when you are ready baby come on out.
And to you I write this...
Mama needs a smile, mama needs someone to hold on to, to cry too, to tell all her worries too. Yes, daddy is there for me, but right now I think I need you most. Your that little shining star of hope that I can't wait to wrap my arms around. I need you here. I know nothing will change, we will still have our nightly talks like we have been since January, but there is one thing special that will happen. I'll be able to look into your wonderful eyes and know that you will always be there for me. You'll always love me no matter what happens.
Baby from this day forward I vow to you that I will be the best mother I can for you. I won't have the money to go out and buy you the world, but always know that I have two arms to wrap you up with more love then you could imagine. Two ears that will always be open to listen, no matter how late or early it is. Two eyes to see how your feeling with out you having to say a word. A strong shoulder for you to cry on. A mouth to tell you exactly what you want to and need to hear. And an open spot in my heart that ever since I found out I was pregnant has slowly been filling with love, and joy for you. Your my baby, my love, my life. I love you now, and I always will. Daddy loves you too. And with both of you I know I can get through this tough time.
And I know Peanut that when I need you most you will come.
I love you little one, with all my heart.
Monday, June 14, 2010
An afternoon in Labor and Delivery
On Friday when I got back from lunch, the pain that I've been experiencing for a week now got the best of me. My back, stomach, legs and feet were in so much pain it made it difficult for me to walk. I called my OB and they told me to go to the Birthing Center. Once there they hooked me up and waiting to see if there were any contractions. Lucky for me, and Peanut everything was fine, according to the doctor the baby was stretching and pushing against my back most likely pinching a nerve. The plus side to all of this, Joel and I got to listen to Peanut's heartbeat for well over 2 hours, along with every kick and turn the baby made. I also like that it gave me a small glimpse to how Joel is going to act when I am there for actual labor. He was so calm and helped me every time I needed to move. He would lift my head to make it easier for me to take a sip of water. He was just so amazing to me.
On a lighter note, my mother-in-law is purchasing us our crib. Its the Bergamo Madison Lifetime Crib:
On a lighter note, my mother-in-law is purchasing us our crib. Its the Bergamo Madison Lifetime Crib:
Its so beautiful and I hope it goes great with our ocean themed nursery.
Over the weekend Mom and I got the invites for my shower all put together and done. Only thing left is to address, stamp and mail them. I know I shouldn't be helping her but I just love working on invites. Call me crazy, but its so much fun.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Stroller of my dreams
I've always wanted that classic stroller look. You know the type you would find in black and white photos, and inside you knew the baby was sure to be wearing a gown and bonnet. Kind of like this:
Well, I think I found my stroller. Its the Inglesina 2010 Classica Pram and Frame. Only problem is the price. Its so beautiful, to me its the Cadillac of strollers. It has style, it has elegance, it has everything a mother would want, and only for a mere $1300.00. Did your jaw drop? Mine did when I first saw the price. But when you see it you will just swoon over it. I mean, just look at it:
Doesn't it just scream buy me? What I love most about it is the color choices it comes in. Browns, blues, pinks, creams, and blacks. I think I need to stop staring at it and get back to work. But how can you not stare? Seriously, just look at it.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
And they lived happily ever after...
When I take a glance at my hand I just can't help but smile. This has happened before but there hasn't been this much excitement. Who knew one can get over joyous about looking down at their hand? Just seeing that extra ring on my left hand makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world!
On Friday my fiance and I finally tied the knot. It wasn't a big glamorous wedding but its what we wanted. A small simple ceremony shared between me and the man I love. After saying our quick "I do's", we headed down the 41 and off to the coast where we spent 3 wonderful days soaking up some sun. Believe me, I have a red arm to prove it.
We may not have done much but to us it was a trip around the world and back. Then again that's how every trip with him is. Even just laying in his arms late at night is like a trip all its own...
When we arrived at Pismo Beach we looked for a place to eat. We ended up at the Ventana Grill, which was so amazing, even the hostess helped make the night memorable. As she walked us to our table we had to walk down a very short set of stairs. Joel made the trip first then turned around and held out a hand for me. The lady looked up and told us that we could have taken the ramp. I appreciate the gesture but I think I can manage 3 steps. The booth she had set us at had a wonderful view of the ocean. As we ate our dinner we watched the sun set and the fog slowly roll in.
After dinner we hung out in the parking lot talking and joking around, laughing a good deal at all the new bug friends we had made just from standing out there. Before we left the parking lot we swayed back and forth in each other's arms, the only music to be heard was the beating of our hearts and the waves crashing against the rocks. It was the perfect moment, it was as if it was only Joel and I there. No one else for miles. The pinks, purples, and blues in the sky made the perfect back drop to an even more perfect moment. That very moment I had fallen head over heels for this man again. And those rings on our fingers showed the world that he was mine, and I was his, till death do us part.
Just looking up into his eyes I knew it was that moment I've always stayed up late as a little girl dreaming about. It was a moment that no photo could capture but would live on in my heart. It was the moment when happily ever after began.
We ended the night at the hotel room, still laughing at the days events. My white way of saying 'Ventana', my need of a ramp, Peanut's kicking me in the ribs and the 20 or so bugs we swatted away from us. It was the start to a wonderful weekend, and the beginning of a wonderful marriage.
On Friday my fiance and I finally tied the knot. It wasn't a big glamorous wedding but its what we wanted. A small simple ceremony shared between me and the man I love. After saying our quick "I do's", we headed down the 41 and off to the coast where we spent 3 wonderful days soaking up some sun. Believe me, I have a red arm to prove it.
We may not have done much but to us it was a trip around the world and back. Then again that's how every trip with him is. Even just laying in his arms late at night is like a trip all its own...
When we arrived at Pismo Beach we looked for a place to eat. We ended up at the Ventana Grill, which was so amazing, even the hostess helped make the night memorable. As she walked us to our table we had to walk down a very short set of stairs. Joel made the trip first then turned around and held out a hand for me. The lady looked up and told us that we could have taken the ramp. I appreciate the gesture but I think I can manage 3 steps. The booth she had set us at had a wonderful view of the ocean. As we ate our dinner we watched the sun set and the fog slowly roll in.
After dinner we hung out in the parking lot talking and joking around, laughing a good deal at all the new bug friends we had made just from standing out there. Before we left the parking lot we swayed back and forth in each other's arms, the only music to be heard was the beating of our hearts and the waves crashing against the rocks. It was the perfect moment, it was as if it was only Joel and I there. No one else for miles. The pinks, purples, and blues in the sky made the perfect back drop to an even more perfect moment. That very moment I had fallen head over heels for this man again. And those rings on our fingers showed the world that he was mine, and I was his, till death do us part.
Just looking up into his eyes I knew it was that moment I've always stayed up late as a little girl dreaming about. It was a moment that no photo could capture but would live on in my heart. It was the moment when happily ever after began.
We ended the night at the hotel room, still laughing at the days events. My white way of saying 'Ventana', my need of a ramp, Peanut's kicking me in the ribs and the 20 or so bugs we swatted away from us. It was the start to a wonderful weekend, and the beginning of a wonderful marriage.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
In 3 days I will be happily married to the man I love. For now we are only going to the court house, but does it matter? By the end of the day I'll have his name.
Last night while I was laying in bed I was actually thinking about the time we first said 'I love you' to each other. Sadly I don't remember the actual date but I know it was back in July. We were laying on his bed just talking and I was writing on his chest with my finger. After a while he asked me what I kept writing, so I slowly wrote out each word, letter for letter. His eye's lite up and he looked down at me, smiling. He took a deep breath and whispered "I love you, too."
And since that day when ever he tells me those three little words my heart skips a beat, my face becomes flush and I can't help but let a huge smile spread across my face. This man, he is my true love. He's the one who gets me through those horrible days at work. The one who shines a light out to help me find my way.

I love this man, with all my heart. If it wasn't for him I would have never had this wonderful little joy inside me that we call Peanut.
If you ever read this babe, know that I will always love you.
Friday, May 28, 2010
25 weeks! (and a few days late)
So I decided to take a picture of my growing belly this morning. Last time I took a picture I was 22 weeks and 1 day, even though the picture says different. My doctor changed my date, not sure if I mentioned that or not.
I know there isn't much of a difference but heck, I love my belly.
Well, that's all I wanted to share for now.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Where oh where did the sun go?
Its been pretty cloudy these past couple of days. Its as if Mother Nature is holding a big ol' rain cloud over our heads and just taunting us with some fresh rain. But how can you complain this weather is so lovely. It honestly makes me want to pack up the car and head out to the coast. Besides doesn't my car look great at the beach? 
But sadly I'm stuck at the office stuffing envelopes. Bummer, I'd really like to work on getting some more color on my legs. I guess I'll just have to enjoy this cloudy weather till I can escape from reality and cozy up next to my fiance on a beach towel.
Now on to some baby news, I had an appointment on Tuesday. According to the doctor everything is going great, except my due date has changed. Instead of the 17th my expected due date is now the 8th of September. Which makes me even more excited because that means I'll get to hold my little Peanut in my arms that much sooner.
I have to admit, work may be horrible but life is pretty grand.

But sadly I'm stuck at the office stuffing envelopes. Bummer, I'd really like to work on getting some more color on my legs. I guess I'll just have to enjoy this cloudy weather till I can escape from reality and cozy up next to my fiance on a beach towel.
Now on to some baby news, I had an appointment on Tuesday. According to the doctor everything is going great, except my due date has changed. Instead of the 17th my expected due date is now the 8th of September. Which makes me even more excited because that means I'll get to hold my little Peanut in my arms that much sooner.
I have to admit, work may be horrible but life is pretty grand.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tiny Kicks
For about 3 weeks now I've been feeling Peanut, that's what we decided to call the baby till he or she is born, and I still get that joy and excitment I felt with that very first kick. The part I love most about the first kick is my fiance and I got to share it together. We had just gotten back from watching the new Nightmare on Elm Street and was relaxing on the couch. Well, fiance had his head on my stomach and all of a sudden I feel a sharp jab in my tummy. Fiance sits up and looks at me and I know he felt it too. We sat there laughing cause the baby had just kicked its daddy in the head.
Its just too perfect for words.
Since then fiance hasn't felt the little one anymore but I sure do. I will be sitting at my desk at work and Peanut will be kicking away. I never knew something so small could bring such joy to my life. The little one isn't even here yet and I already feel like the happiest person in the world.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Where to start...
I wanted to start a blog to write down my thoughts and to always know there is a place to turn to to get things off my chest. You see I find it hard to express myself in person but when it comes to writing, I always find it to be the easiest. I plan to update regularly on work, random thoughts, and my journey as being a new wife and mother.
So let me start off by saying, as of today I am 22 weeks and 3 days along. According to family and friends I'm having a pretty easy pregnancy, no morning sickness whats-so-ever. We are team green so we won't be finding out what we are having. Then again, we wouldn't be able to because my insurance doesn't cover that.
Also, in a few weeks I will be getting married, finally. So my life has made a dramatic turn this year, a complete 180. Its gone from staying out late and partying with friends to getting ready for the wife and mommy role.
This is my roller coaster of a life. So find a good seat and get ready, because who knows what is to come.
So let me start off by saying, as of today I am 22 weeks and 3 days along. According to family and friends I'm having a pretty easy pregnancy, no morning sickness whats-so-ever. We are team green so we won't be finding out what we are having. Then again, we wouldn't be able to because my insurance doesn't cover that.
Also, in a few weeks I will be getting married, finally. So my life has made a dramatic turn this year, a complete 180. Its gone from staying out late and partying with friends to getting ready for the wife and mommy role.
This is my roller coaster of a life. So find a good seat and get ready, because who knows what is to come.
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