I had my last OB appointment on the 7th and Dr. Hall told Joel and I that we were looking at a baby that was gonna be over 8 pounds. So we began discussing options. He told us we can either go with me being induced or we can wait 3 days and have some sort of test done. We decided on the latter but then Dr. Hall remembered he was going out of town on Thursday and he really wanted to be there to deliver the baby, also he was worried that if we waited for him to get back our little Peanut could end up to be a whooping 9 pounds! So in the end we all agreed that going with being induced would be the best option. Dr. Hall called the hospital and we were scheduled for 6 in the morning on Peanut's estimated due date, the 8th of September.
Joel and I head home and get everything ready for our little ones arrival. Hospital bag got doubled checked, car seat put into the back seat, then I checked the hospital bag one more time. I was far to excited to sleep, I laid there in bed next to Joel constantly looking at the clock. Getting mad that every time I looked at it clock it was only 5 minutes since the last time I check it. I never knew time could go by so slow.
Finally 5am came and I jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready, woke up Joel and ran around getting things together, once again, then off we went. We got to the hospital only to find out there was no room for me and I had to come back at noon. So, off to home we go to wait yet another 6 hours. Noon comes and we head back, same thing, still no room. It wasn't till 4 in the after noon that I got a room.
Once in the room the nurses came in took my blood pressure, found the baby's heartbeat, and asked me a bunch of questions. An hour later the finally came in and gave me a pill to start up my contractions. Four hours later they came back and gave me another one. In 8 hours I had only contracted 2c

It wasn't till 7:30 that the meds wore off and the contractions got stronger. I was laying there trying so hard not to push. All you heard in the room was my mom saying "don't push" and me yelling back, "I'm not pushing!" After awhile I started to feel like I was slipping away. I looked up at Joel and grabbed his hand. He smiled down at me and I looked him deep in the eyes and whispered, "I want to give up, I can't breathe any more." I felt my self slipping in and out of the room. My breath had shortened so much that they had to put an oxygen mask on me. I think if it wasn't for that my little one and me probably wouldn't be here. Its sad to admit but I was actually on the verge of calling it quits, my breathing was so shallow, I was out of my mind half the time, at that very moment I felt like honestly dying. But I fought it, I wanted to hold my little in my arms and cuddle him or her close.
Around 9am Dr. Hall came into the room and asked how I was doing, my mom told him that I wanted to push and he said, "well then lets get this baby out." So there I was ready to go. After pushing and cussing my doctor out (He told me that if I was in a Catholic hospital they would have me pack up and leave.) I hear the most wonderful noise in the world.
Next thing I know I have a small little body placed on my stomach holding the clamps the doctor used to clip Peanut's umbilical cord. Dr. Hall proudly announces, "It's a boy!"
I have a little boy, a handsome little boy! After 9 months of waiting I finally know what was moving around in my stomach. And Joel and I couldn't be any more proud.
So let me introduce to you, Joel Ryan Gandarilla Jr. And let me just say this handsome little guy is such a character. He keeps daddy and me laughin

For years I always said I never wanted children, but once I met Joel Sr. he changed my life and I'm glad he did. I'm so happy that I can share this wonderful experience with him. I would want it no other way.
So, our little man is now a week and 4 days old. I swear time is going by way to fast. I now understand what my mom means by you wish they cou

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