"I know I haven't been on in a while but little Joel needed me. He ended up having surgery and here is his story. On Thursday, Sept 30th he started spitting up his food. At first I wasn't concerned. I just figured I over fed him. Well on Friday he kept spitting up, so my husband and I cut back his feedings to strictly 2oz and see how he did on that. That whole weekend Joel kept spitting up. On Monday I called and made an appointment with his Peditrician And on Tuesday I took him in and was told to give him some pedialyte and if he kept spitting up bring him back in. He was doing fine for about a day and on Wednesday night the spitting had turned into vomiting after every 3-4 feedings. He was throwing up so much it literally filled my hand, covered his entire onesie, and turned what ever I was sitting on into a "lovely" shade of white. By then I was getting scared. I stopped sleeping, I stopped eating. My mom had called my godmother, who's a RN, who told me to put him on soy formula. That it sounded like he had a really bad milk allergy. After two days on that the vomiting was getting worse. Joel was running out of clothes, I was running out, my husband ended up wearing vomit covered pants to work cause he was running out. I felt Like I was doing laundry every couple of hours. So on Saturday I threw in the towel. At first he was doing good and holding down his feedings then out of no where I'm burping him and projectile Vomit comes shooting out of my little guy. That was the last straw. I grabbed him, strapped him in his car seat and hauled ass, but still obeying the law, to the ER (where I live). Once at the ER they rushed him in and checked him from head to toe. They drew blood, took a urine sample, poor little guy was poked and jabbed all night with something. Boy did we have fun, You know we were so lucky. We got to share out room with some dude that was so doped out that he thought it would be more fun to refuse a urine/blood test and fight with the cop and yell at the nurses. All the fun ended with him being escorted by the cops with a lovely pair of silver bracelets. Oh and on top of that there was a girl there waiting over an hour on a pending pregnancy test. Man, I love our hospital. (And yes its an actual hospital, not a clinic or anything) So after waiting a few hours Joel gets sent hime with a clean bill of health. The next day, Monday, Oct. 11, I went to his pediatrian for even more vomiting! He couldn't even hold in half an oz. When I got there I told the docor everything. Well he sent him for xrays and the xray tech sent me back to the doctor. Apparently his stomach muscle that leads to his Intestines is completely shut . We had to rush down to a children's specialist hospital, cause the only way I'd take Him to our home town hospital was if Hell froze over!! So here I sit hours after the surgery enjoying the sweetest sounds ever. The sucking on a bottle, the Ginormous burp, and the sweet, sweet sound of silence coming from a satisfied belly. I'm even Enjoyng the smell coming from a fresh poopy diaper. And now I bid you all a good night for I have to go change a diaper full of gold!"
So it's been over a week, but this is my little guy now:

He's such a happy camper!!!
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