So, all last week I basically spent asleep. My body pretty much crashed on me. For the past two months I was lucky if I got 3-4 hours of sleep, but the norm for me became 2 hours. I guess it finally caught up with me cause I spent 4 days last week asleep and never really woke up. Except for when Joel would wake me to make sure I ate before he went to work, and once I was done I crashed back out again.
A plus side to all that sleeping, on Sunday I woke up in a major nesting mood. I've washed all of Peanut's clothes, except for his/her bibs and thick blankets. And this week I'm going to work on lining the inside of my old dresser with either gift wrap or wall paper, depending on what I find that is cute. And maybe I'll even paint the outside of it, so it looks all pretty and new!
Also, I missed out on my 34 week post.

Yeah, that's my bare belly, and I don't care about showing it off. In fact I'm proud. Who cares if I'm big girl, that's my baby in there. If you don't like seeing it, then don't look!
Nothing exciting has happened this week. Except Monday I ended up back at the hospital only to be told I was having false labor pains. And if you were wondering, yes, I was embarrassed by that.
Now on to the good stuff!
I seriously can't wait for Peanut to be born to hear the stories Joel is going to tell her/him. Last night I was having trouble falling asleep and asked him to tell me a story. This is the story he made up and told me:
There once was a little boy who fell madly in love
with a little girl. One day the little boy and little girl
climbed up a really big hill. When they reached the top
of the hill they had planted a tree. Over time the
tree had grown into a giant peanut tree,
over flowing with peanuts. One day a huge swarm of bird
flew in and ate destroyed the peanut tree,
eating all the peanuts in sight. The little boy
and little girl were very sad because they put in a lot of
work taking care of this tree. As they sat there and
cried the little boy noticed that right next to
the stump of the old tree was a small little sprout growing
out of the ground with the tiniest peanut of all
on it. The little boy and little girl jumped up
and danced with joy for the birds didn't get them
all. And from that day they loved that
peanut with all the love in the world.
The End.
Yeah, I love that wonderful hubby of mine.